At Ban Mae La camp in Tak Province, “Keep Mae La camp clean and environmentally friendly through garbage disposal and separation” training was organized on May 17, 2016 to provide skills for 30 refugee personnel (10 men and 20 women) in proper home visit to households in the Environmentally Friendly House Project in order to give proper guidances in waste management, i.e. reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce is to use less, reuse is to repair things and use them again; and recycle of what can be converted to be new items and use them again, or sold them to those who will bring them to some process that make them new items for using again or for some income generation. For example: old and broken plastic containers can be reused as vegetables and flower pots. COERR also distribute seeds and tools to enable refugee household to grow their own vegables for food and house decoration.

Environmental Education was held in Mae La camp during June 9th -10th , focusing on taking care of water source forest and community environmental protection for 20 youth leaders. The training also provide youth with knowledge in mushroom cultivation in indoor baskets and in outdoor garden beds; the benefit of using organic substance in farming comparing to the damage from using chemical substances.

A visit to eco houses in the Environmental-friendly House Project to provide advice in garbage separation, distribute cleaning supplies such as brooms, watering can, as well as eco house campaign banners.

Mae La Waste Bank allows refugee family members to join and learn about waste management through training why reduce; reuse and recycle can benefit them. Their contribution in garbage separation and selling also enable them to earn some income for their families. COERR staff provide training as well as facilities to ensure that waste bank run by refugees efficiently continues.

COERR staff and the refugee waste management working group regularly meet to ensure the efficient waste management in Mae La Camp

Environmental Education and Campaign Training for Mae La youth & schoolchildren was organized during June 16th -17th, 2016. There were 200 paticipants, including 114 girls and 86 boys attending the training in which contents were about awareness raising in reduce, reuse and recycle waste and proper waste disposal in order to preserve the natural resources and keep the environment clean by youth.

At Umpiem Camp, Tak Province, the environmental education on “How to Make Useful Items from Waste” was organized on June 18th in which 60 youth: 23 male and 37 female attended to learn this significant subject.
